Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Today was International Dress Day for Missions Emphasis Week (MEW) at UMHB. MEW is a week in the fall when 30+ missionaries from all over the world flood this little corner of God's kingdom and share with college students how they might pour their life out for the sake of the gospel. There are events all week long; seminars, missions fairs, classroom opportunities, lunches, and a Persecuted Church Simulation.

I am a co-director this year, which means that I'm get to do all the crazy things instead of just some of them like in years past. International Dress day is one of those crazy things.

This is my jalabia that I bought during my trip to Sudan in 2005. I haven't gotten to wear it much, so even though I looked completely ridiculous and got a lot of odd stares, it was worth it.

Though co-directing this week has been pretty exhausting and overwhelming at the same time, it has been good. Seeing missionaries striking up conversations all over campus and watching the people you live with get excited about God's work in foreign places is unbelievable. (I am glad that come Friday the endless questions and schedule changes will be over with.)

PS: I had a Greek test today that took 2 hours and 15 minutes to take. It did not go well. I am tired. Time for a nap.


Robert Conn said...

Got all those paradigmns memorized yet?

What textbook are you guys using? I used Alan Black's Learn to Read New Testament Greek for Elementary I & II and then Daniel Wallace's Beyond Greek Basics for New Testament Greek I & II.

Oh and the wonderful UBS Greek Bible!

Hand in there man! It's well worth it.

Robert Conn said...

Should have been "Hang" in there!