Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Alright. After months of deliberation and many questions asked of Blake, I have decided to switch my blog over to WordPress.


I apologize for those of you who, like me, have to take the two seconds and change over your feed reader. However, I beg that you be gracious and do it now so as to avoid missing any of the titillating details of my life. Thanks guys (and gals).



Today was International Dress Day for Missions Emphasis Week (MEW) at UMHB. MEW is a week in the fall when 30+ missionaries from all over the world flood this little corner of God's kingdom and share with college students how they might pour their life out for the sake of the gospel. There are events all week long; seminars, missions fairs, classroom opportunities, lunches, and a Persecuted Church Simulation.

I am a co-director this year, which means that I'm get to do all the crazy things instead of just some of them like in years past. International Dress day is one of those crazy things.

This is my jalabia that I bought during my trip to Sudan in 2005. I haven't gotten to wear it much, so even though I looked completely ridiculous and got a lot of odd stares, it was worth it.

Though co-directing this week has been pretty exhausting and overwhelming at the same time, it has been good. Seeing missionaries striking up conversations all over campus and watching the people you live with get excited about God's work in foreign places is unbelievable. (I am glad that come Friday the endless questions and schedule changes will be over with.)

PS: I had a Greek test today that took 2 hours and 15 minutes to take. It did not go well. I am tired. Time for a nap.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Robert Conn had a great post the other day entitled "Question About SIN." In it, he talked about the issue of #2 sins. These are those things in your life that hide behind other "big" sins like lust, alcholism, murder, etc. You know - the super-nasty ones that get all the attention? Those that are so easy to bash.

Robert was challenging people to examine their own lives, try to find that "#2 Sin," and expose it for what it is. (At least that's what I think he was doing.)

I would say that my "#2 Sin" is busyness. I know that sounds strange at first. Sorta like, "Wait a minute! Isn't sloth a sin. Laying around on your fat butt and eating Ding-Dongs and Cheetos isn't exactly glorifying to God, right?" I agree, but I think that far too often I run to the other end of the spectrum to over committ myself in an effort at looking like I have it all together.

The feeling is almost that the more balls I can keep juggling, the more useful I am. Like the woman at the well (see three posts down), I'm more concerned with the task of carrying water or impressing someone with how much I know that I don't ever take a break. I don't rest.

I suck at solitude. Sure, I can zone out in front of the TV for a while, but if you give me a journal and a quiet room...I'm liable to freak out. I don't like being still.

There's only one problem with that - God's voice is often a whisper in the stillness (at least I think I read that fancy phrase somewhere before).

I think my "#2 Sin" of busyness is only fueling those "#1 Sins." Funny how life works, huh?


Here's another version of the leprechaun sighting story. This has to be my favorite news story/rap of all time!

Friday, October 19, 2007


"Leprecun" Sighting

Yeah... this video is a little over six months old, but it is one of the best I've seen in a while. So, for those of you who are behind the times - enjoy.

"It's prolly a crackhead..."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

An Important Conversation

I feel like the woman at the well. He has stopped me right in the middle of some mundane tasks and is wanting to dialogue with me. It's about something important. While I know that he's talking, I also know that I'm just as confused about the direction of the conversation as the woman at the well was.

I question him (John 4:12), demand things of him (v. 15), lie to him (v. 17), argue with him (v. 20), and try to prove to him just how much I know (v. 25). But...I don't quite understand what he's saying.

I want to hear, really hear, what it is that he is saying (v. 26) and act accordingly (v. 28). I don't know what he wants to talk about, but I do know that I'm trying to hear.

If in the course of your day you happen to remember me, pray that I would find vitality, companionship (not necessarily of the female flavor), and focus. This has been a busy month, and I need to find some time alone with Jesus at the well.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I Love Letterman

I know that this is three YouTube videos in a row, which doesn't count as actually blogging (sorry, Todd). But...this video from Letterman's Friday night show was way to good to pass up.